Justin Hood

Justin Hood


My name is Justin Hood and I am the founder and creator of BuiltbyHood Fitness .I first gained an interest in fitness when I was 6 years old. This interest quickly developed into a passion and since then I have been dedicated to understanding the most effective and efficient way to increase muscle mass and decrease body fat, through training and nutrition.This journey began when I initially started coaching family and friends for fun and developed into my chosen career path in 2009. This career path was an obvious choice for me as I have a natural ability to coach and motivate people to understand and trust in my methods and from this, I get and expect amazing results. Along with the skills I have developed to be able to design effective goal specific training programs and pinpoint flaws within a clients current nutritional and lifestyle habits and correct them in a way that is both easy to understand and manageable within their current needs and circumstances.

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Justin Hood


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Justin Hood

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